Analyst [Pakistan]



Reviewing the risk and creditworthiness of International Financial Institutions by evaluating their global standing, financial status with emphasis on profitability, asset efficiency, liquidity and cash flows, the potential for utilization of limits, past track record with HBL in order to ensure counterparty risk in terms of credit/reputation and within prescribed Risk Acceptance Policy.


Counter Party Reviews (Annual)

  • Review the list of counterparties to deal with in each country through annual reviews proposing an appropriate level of limit based on a detailed assessment as per HBL’s format. Reviews are to be aligned with Risk Appetite Policy. In case an exceptional approval is required, review must be sent to the appropriate level.

Risk escalation

  • Any unforeseen event having an impact on Bank exposure to be elevated to Head-FIGTS.


  • Maintain contact with the Business team, HOT and HBL’s international network for necessary information sharing such as providing input on accommodating and processing requests i.e Investments, enhancements and reallocation of limits.

Fresh/Interim Counterparty Reviews

  • New and interim counterparty reviews that are given priority to accommodate transactions suggested by the Business team/International network and or/Treasuries in a timely manner.

International limit allocations

  • Allocation of approved lines by respective authorities to the international network on a timely and accurate basis

Implementation and Co-ordination with SNL

  • Assisted in the implementation of the new data-providing external agency SNL. Co-ordinated with their support team, established a financial statement report structure and trained colleagues on the SNL portal usage.

Develop RAC

  • Develop country wise Risk Asset Criteria for dealing with International Financial Institutions in accordance with the approved country strategy to ensure the derivation of a credit limit. RAC should precisely define parameters to separate higher risk from lower risk.

Minimum qualifications:

  • Graduate from reputable institution, preference for finance/economics background.

Minimum experience:

  • None

Minimum qualifications:

  • Graduate from reputable institution, preference for finance/economics background.

Minimum experience:

  • None



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